
Can You Make A Paint Job Last Longer?

How to Make Paint Last Longer

how to make paint last longer

Making a paint job last is one of the important aspects of paint maintenance often asked from experts. If it is a DIY paint job, extending your paint life seems like an impossible wish because factors such as harsh weather and the quality of paint used determine how long your paint job can last. Especially when working on a large commercial painting job, the money invested can be significant so the type of paint chosen needs to be one of which provides great value. There are challenges when choosing paint and when you have tight budget, it is easy to focus on the price instead quality, but this is one costly mistake a homeowner can commit.

Hire a professional to achieve the result you want

DIY paint job exposes you to a number of risks and one of which is not painting the surface based on your expectations. While anyone can perform a painting job, a professional is well-trained so the right type of paint is used. They also use high-quality primer so you can be sure that the life of your paint is extended. You can have peace of mind because you know that your paint can last up to three to five years.

Pay close attention to your landscaping

Environment is another factor that can affect a paint jobโ€™s life. When plants are up against the house, the moisture develops causing the paint to rot. You will need to spend money for maintenance to address this concern. Although a house full of plants and flowers is visually appealing, you will need to think about your exterior paint if you want it to last. You can still achieve the same beauty if you are going to place your plants in a way that will not cause any erosion or moisture. These factors can damage your exterior paint.

Check for signs of deteriorating paint

You may not easily realise the need for maintenance if you do not see any signs of deteriorating paint. This is why it is important that you walk around your home so you will know if it is time to paint your home again. Repainting your home before the paint wears off will save you a large chunk of money. If you see any signs of discoloration or separation, you need to call a professional right away to have the areas checked. This way, you will be able to know if maintenance will be necessary.

It has always been emphasised that the quality of a paint job is more important than the cost of the paint itself. If you choose to cut corners, you will spend more for maintenance and repair and realise later on, that maintenance costs more than you realise. If you already know how to make your paint last longer, maintenance will not be a thing to worry about. Extending the life of a paint job starts with hiring professionals and making sure that the job is delivered as requested and expected.

Your Local Painters

Choose GB Painters if you want a great job well done. We are Commercial Painters in Brisbane so you can be sure we know what we’re doing.


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